

농촌활성화사업과 지역특화발전특구제도의 고찰


A Study on the Rural Activation Project and the Special Economic Zone for Regional Development Policy


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Decrease in Population and graying of rural area by industrialization and urbanization are gone continuously. This makes happened various rural problems and the differential of standard of living with is arising day by day. Government is unfolding rural supporting project to solve continuously these problems. Recent Projects which are choosing not top-down process by government leading but bottom-up process through village inhabitants' participation and expert consultant get positive estimation. But those have difficulties because the support is attained only in the beginning step not continuously and inhabitants' number by graying is decreasing. The Special Economic Zone for Regional Development Policy is new access that regulation can differ according to special quality of each area depending on Localization Age. Through this transfer the competence that can mitigate or reinforce various regulations according to special quality of area in local government. So, back and maintain activation systematically so that each area could be developed specially. The purpose of The Special Economic Zone for Regional Development Policy is the activation of regional economy through development that regional specific character is. And there is characteristic that local government plans and takes the lead in all project contents, government gives regulation benefit by appointing the special economic zone and do not support finance and various tax remissions. Through investigation of such new policy, I wish to recognize what long-term plan and method could be possible to success rural activation continuously.


 1. 서 론
 2. 농촌활성화사업의 고찰
  2.1 농촌활성화사업
  2.2 농촌활성화사업의 고찰
 3. 지역특화발전특구제도의 내용과 사례
  3.1 지역특화발전특구제도의 배경
  3.2 지역특화발전특구의 내용
  3.3 지역특화발전 특구법
  3.4 지역특화발전특구 지정사례
 4. 기존 제도와의 비교
  4.1 기존의 지역개발지원제도와의 비교
  4.2 지역특화발전특구제도(한국)와 구조개혁특구(일본)의 비교
  4.3 농촌활성화사업과의 비교
 5. 결 론


  • 정진주 Jung, Jinju. 청주대 건축공학부 건축학전공 강의전담교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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