

부동산중개업자의 확인·설명 의무에 관한 소고


A study on the duty of confirmation and explanation on the object of brokerage of real estate brokers.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper analyzes the duty of confirmation and explanation on the object of brokerage of real estate brokers. The Section 1, Clause 25 in the law of the Business Affairs of Licensed Real Estate Brokers and Report of Real Estate Transactions prescribes the duty of confirmation and explanation on the object of brokerage of real estate brokers. The details are as follows: If a real estate broker receives a request for brokerage, before the completion of brokerage, he should be explain such matters faithfully and exactly to the brokerage client who desires to acquire a right concerning relevant object of brokerage, presenting the materials concerned such as the cadastre and the certified copy of register, after the confirmation of the matters provided for current state, location and right relationship of the relevant object of brokerage, matters relating to the restrictions of transaction or utilization by the Acts and subordinate statutes, other matters as prescribed by the Presidential Decree. However,the law of the Business Affairs of Licensed Real Estate Brokers and Report of Real Estate Transactions does not describe the sufficient provisions about the duty of confirmation and explanation on the object of brokerage of real estate brokers. So, it seems that the law of the Business Affairs of Licensed Real Estate Brokers and Report of Real Estate Transactions is amended suitably.


< Abstract >
Ⅰ. 서
Ⅱ. 공인중개사법상 중개업자의 확인·설명 의무
1. 의의
2. 확인·설명의 주체 및 상대방
3. 확인·설명의 방법 및 시기
4. 확인·설명의 사항
Ⅲ. 판례상에 나타난 중개업자의 확인·설명 의무
1. 위임관계 없는 상대방에게도 확인·설명 의무 존재 사례
2. 무상의 중개행위에도 확인·설명의무 존재 사례
3. 목적물이용과 관련 공법상 이용제한 사항 확인·설명의무 존재 사례
4. 다가구주택 임대차 중개시 기존 임대차관계 확인·설명 의무 존재 사례
5. 부동산중개업자가 부담하는 중개대상물 시세에 대한 확인·설명 의무의 정도에 관한 사례
Ⅳ. 확인·설명의무 위반에 대한 효과
1. 민사상 불법행위로 인한 손해배상책임
2. 공인중개사법상의 책임
Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 정충원 Jeong, Chung-Won. 경희대학교 국제법무대학원 외래교수 / 법학박사.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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