

물권적 청구권의 법경제적 문제에 관한 소고


A Study on the Law-Economics Problem of the Claim of Reality right


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this theory, The writer presented the principle of law to solve to the law of general responsibility, about the problem of the charge burden according to exercise of the Claim of Reality right. We bear his charge to the opponent to fault, about the charge, According to the principle of law of the negligence responsibility, the case which the invader has the negligence, the charge to happen which the kind of the damage. In the case to the opponent without the fault, we do to the burden of the person of realty by the analogy applies a civil law §758. In the case which the person of realty and the opponent has the fault, we solve the charge problem through an analogy applies a civil law §750 or §758. And then, We will apply the principle of law of a fault setoff.


< Abstract >
I. 문제의 제기
II. 물권적 청구권의 본질과 비용부담에 관한 해석론
1. 학설의 개관
2. 물권적 청구권의 성질에 관한 학설
3. 비판학설의 검토
4. 판례이론
III. 비용부담에 관한 새로운 근거제시
1. 서설
2. 민법 제750조의 적용가능성
3. 제758조의 유추적용
4. 소결 및 법경제적 타당성
IV. 결론


  • 노종천 Roh, Jong-Chun. 협성대학교 도시행정학과교수, 법학박사.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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