

Poster Presentation : Oocyte Maturation / Embryonic Development

CDKN1A is a Negative Regulator of the Morula to Blastocyst Transition



Fertilized zygotic embryos rapidly cleave and proliferate without cell cycle checkpoint such as G1/S, G2/M check point, and they do not show apoptosis during early embryo cleavage stages. In vivo fertilized mouse embryos were exposed to 14 Gy X-ray irradiation immediately after pronuclear formation and cultured until the blastocyst stage. We found the X-ray irradiated embryo did not develop to blastocyst, however, 1-cell zygotes injected by CDKN1A siRNA overcome the morula arrest and developed to blastocyst. We also examined regulator genes for CDKN1A using qRT-PCR, but the expression levels of genes were not changed. In conclusion, CDKN1A regulate stage specific DNA damage between morula and blastocyst stages.


  • Inchul Chol Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences, Chungnam National University
  • Jiyeon Jeong Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences, Chungnam National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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