Depletion of endogenous germ cells in the recipient model is the key process for successful SSC transplantation. The main objectives of this study are 1) to evaluate the effect of local irradiation or testicular infusion of 70% glycerin on depletion of germ cells, 2) to evaluate germ cell transplantation in the goat testes using ultrasound guided rete-testis transplantation technique. The testes of two recipient goats were treated with irradiation with does of 10 or 15 Gy, respectively. Testicular tissue biopsy was performed to analyze patterns of spermatogenesis at 6 weeks after treatment. Fifteen milliters of 70% glycerin was infused into the core of each testes at 1 cc/min. After 4 weeks, germ cells (500×106) stained with PKH-26 dye were transplanted using ultrasound guided rete testis injection technique. Testes were castrated at 2 weeks after transplantation and seminiferous tubules were isolated to monitor the presence of PKH-26 positive germ cells. Spermatogenesis patterns in cross section of seminiferous tubules at each dose of 10 and 15 Gy were categorized and quantified as following; normal (5.1 and 25.3%), Sertoli cell only (35.3 and 11.3%), and destroyed (59.4 and 63.3%). However, abnomal testicular tissue condition was noticed; tissue was not as firm as normal testes as well as effusion was evidenced. The testes treated with 70% glycerin also showed 3 different patterns of normal (19.6%), destroyed (72.8%), and Sertoli cell only (7.6%). In this testis, the severe inflammation area was evidenced. Germ cells stained with PKH-26 were successfully identified within seminiferous tubules. In conclusion, the local radiation and testicular infusion of 70% glycerin are not ideal method for the depletion of endogenous germ cells in the goat testes. The ultrasound guided rete-testis transplantation technique can be utilized.