

중국 연길시 근교 농촌주택의 변천에 관한 조사연구 -하룡촌 소하룡(小河龍)마을을 중심으로-


The Study on the Change of Rural Housing around Xiao-He-Long Town, Yian-Ji-Shi in China

임금화, 김태영, 최효승

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The dwelling transformations of Xiao-He-Long town have been begun with China Economy Policy in 1904. The characteristics of change progress are as follows ; 1. As with pine tree living for a thousand years and increasing profits nearby Yian-Ji-Shi, Xiao-He-Long town as rural district has changed in appearance. 2. In accordance with improvement of rural life after China Reformation and Open Economy policy, residents have a tendency to secure a minimal house site area 400~500m2, and a spacious house which is able to consist barns for farming. 3. Dwelling plan type lf Korean-Chinese consists of ‘whetongjib, 6 module of Korean traditional unit. 'Whetongjib' has undergone with a corridor attached in porch, main entrance from south to north. 4. Construction materials as structural members bring about a change as result of influencing economic profits nearby Yian-Ji--Shi


 1. 서론
 2. 하룡촌 소하룡 마을의 현황
  2.1 위치 및 형성사
  2.2 마을의 인문특징
  2.3 마을배치 및 주거현황
 3. 소하룡의 개척집
  3.1 평면특징
  3.2 구조방식
  3.3 부재별 재료특성
 4. 1980년대 이후의 주택의 변화
  4.1 평면의 변화
  4.2 외관 및 구조의 변화
  4.3 주설비의 변화
 5. 결론


  • 임금화 Lin, Jinhua. 청주대 건축공학과 석사과정
  • 김태영 Kim, Taiyoung. 청주대 건축공학부 교수, 공학박사
  • 최효승 Choi, Hyoseung. 청주대 건축공학부 교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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