This study is on Irish Fairies in Fairy and Folk Tales in Ireland with a foreword by Kathleen Raine edited by Yeats for Korean readers. Nowadays many Korean editions about celtic culture were published after 2000. Fairy and Folk Tales in Ireland is the first American edition by Colin Smythe Limited in 1973. This volume contains Fairy and Folk Tales of Irish Peasantry, first published in 1888, and Irish Fairy Tales, first published in 1892. In this volume Yeats divided Irish Fairies into two great classes: the sociable and solitary and described the characteristics of each fairies, and then collected 8 fairy poems and 16 stories. Every poem and story in this volume is very interesting to me. Yeats is the best selector. The sociable fairies who go about in troops, and quarrel, and make love, much as men and women do, are divided into land fairies and water faires or Merrows(mermaid, merman). The solitary fairies who are nearly all gloomy and terrible in some way. However there are some among them who have light hearts and brave attire. There are the Lepracaun, the Cluricaun, the Far Darrig, the Pooka, the Dullahan, the Banshee. In Irish folk-lore Yeats had come across these fairies many others undiscovered.He had thanks to Patrick Kennedy, Miss Maclintock, Lady Wilde, Mr. Douglas Hyde. Mr. Allingham, Fergusson, and Miss O'Leary. He quoted from their works. His role is a vital linker in a chain of truly apostolic transmission of traditional lore. Evans-Wentz dedicated his first remarkable anthropological work, The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries(1911) to Yeats and G. Russell(A.E). According to Kathleen Raine, Yeats's own interest in the "Matter of Faerie" was two fold. In part, certainly, it was a literary admiration for the highly formalized art of story-telling, and perhaps for the Irish use of the English language, those idiomatic turns of phase which arise from translation, by Gaelic-speakers, from one language to the other. Yeats who believed in Fairy-Faith to perpetuated in popular form mysterious taught by the Druids see, like A. E and Evans-Wentz, in Tir-na-N'Og, the land of the Sidhe, Ploto's and Plotinus' "yonder" when our souls descend and where they return. They also thought the Fairy-Faith belong to a doctrine of souls. In the Irish fairy poems and stories there are great beliefs in fairies. But Irish people remember the word, 'Be careful, and do not seek too much about fairies.'
- 1레이디 오거스타 그레고리, (2004) 켈트 신화: 안개너머의 나라 켈트의 속삭임, 여름언덕
- 2서혜숙, (2004) 아일랜드 요정의 세계, 건대출판부
- 3조지프 제이곱스, (2005) 스코틀랜드 아일랜드 옛 이야기, 현대지성사
- 4크리스티안 엘뤼에르, (1998) 켈트 족: 고대 유럽의 정복자, 시공사
- 5타임라이프 북스, (2004) 유럽의 정복자 켈트족, 가람기획
- 6Curran Bob, (1998) A Field Guide to Irish Fairies, Chronicle Books
- 7Eason Cassandra, (2002) A Complete Guide to Faeries and Magical Beings, Weiser Books
- 8Keightly Thomas, (2000) The World Guide to Gnomes Fairies Elves and Other Little People, Gramercy Books
- 9(1977) The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries, Colin Smythe
- 10(1973) Fairy and Folk Tales of Ireland, Macmillan
- 11(2004) 켈트 삶 신화 그리고 예술, 들녘