

탈식민적 사유를 위한 생태주의적 글읽기: 세이머스 히니의「비의 선물」(“Gifts of Rain”) 분석


An Ecological Writing for Decolonial Thinking;The Analysis of Seamus Heaney’s Poem “Gifts of Rain”


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The essay attempts to rethink the widely acknowledged notion that the ecologial writing is a minium writing weapon to tackle the European writing and limit of modernity. Most of the intellectuals paying attention to decolonial theory have arrived in limited ideas about the recent decolonialism. As a result, the recent debates on decolonialism have been deployed under the assumptions that the so-called "troika of decolonial theory" advocated by Frentz Fanon, Edward Said, and Homi Bhabha. From the point of view, the essay thus purports to demonstrates that the unfamiliar theory ecology and ecological writing is widely helping to overcome the limit of established decolonial wiriting and interpretation of text. To do this, from a ecological viewpoint, the essay attempts to re-read the irish text and Irish decolonial poet Seamus Heaney's poem "Gifts of Rain," who was awarded a Nobel Prize for Literature in 1996.Heaney concentrates primarily on the origin and mother land of the conflict in "Gifts of Rain" through elegiac poems celebrating the identity, history, territory and tongue of his irish people. But his imagination and attitude of writing is based on not just a decolonial method and idea but a ecological preoccupation on his "Mother Land." He looks forward to finding out integrated moments in his land beyond the political, religious, and topological separations. From the viewpoint of the ecological attitude, he finally enters into the deterritorial region against its dichotomous and counter-discursive tendency in decolonialism. Roughly speaking, some say that this new writing and epistemological method is just a utopian thought, but his ecological writing suggests that this is the most effective and creative means of making a new writing code and poetics moving from silent spectator to speaking actor/actress in the world.


I. 시작: 탈식민주의의 한계를 넘어서
 II. 생태주의적 사고관과 글쓰기
 III. 「비의 선물」과 생태주의적 글쓰기
 IV. 다시 시작: 생태학적 사유의 가능성을 타진하면서
 인용 문헌


  • 강민건 Kang, Min-gun. 동국대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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