

Abstracts for Colloquium

Lectin from Sambucus sieboldiana abrogates the anoikis resistance of colon cancer cells during hematogenous metastasis



Anoikis is a form of anchorage-dependent apoptosis, and cancer cells adopt anokis-resistance molecular machinery to conduct metastasis. Here, we report that N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase V gene expression confers anoikis resistance during cancer progression. Overexpression of MGAT5 (N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase V) protected detached cancer cells from apoptotic death, and suppression or knockout of the gene sensitized cancer cells to the apoptotic death. The gene expression also stimulated anchorage-dependent as well as anchorage-independent colony formation of cancer cells following anoikis stress treatments. Importantly, treatment with the lectin from Sambucus sieboldiana significantly sensitized anoikis-induced cancer cell deaths in vitro as well as in vivo. We propose that the lectin alone or an engineered form could offer a new therapeutic treatment option for cancer patients with advanced tumors.


  • Kyoung-Jin Song Genome Editing Research Center, KRIBB
  • Jeong-Heon Ko Genome Editing Research Center, KRIBB
  • Yong-Sam Kim 김용삼. Genome Editing Research Center, KRIBB


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