

Net-Centric Approach for Integration of Enterprise Applications


Subaji Mohan , Sung Hyun Juhn , Eun Mi Choi

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



To remain competitive, organizations must operate efficiently and be flexible enough to rapidly respond to-and even preempt-changing market conditions, Currently business, changes with the changing dynamics of emergent network behavior. Most organizations have a large collection of information systems to support many disparate functions. However, Integration among these applications is more challenging because they are hampered by inconsistencies and inefficiencies due to incompatibilities across application control and data ownership. To create an integrated perspective on enterprise architecture, one needs both a description technique for architectural models and tools to support and realize this in practice. It would not be realistic to see that companies will throw their existing design practice and tools overboard and replace these by an entirely new approach. Rather, enterprise modeling should focus on bringing together already existing techniques and integrating these at the appropriate level of abstraction. In this paper, we are trying to address this problem by using Net-Centric approach of DODAF as the Net-centric environment transforms the very nature of business and human relationships. The approach is driven by operational mission threads and through which, we are trying to address the issue of Integration among Enterprise Applications.


1. Introduction
2. Integration and its Issues
3. Enterprise Application netegration and Different Approaches
3.1 Different EAI Approaches
4. Net-Centric Approach
5. Proposed Net-Centric Architecture
5.1 Service Oriented Architecture
5.2 Net-Centric Data Strategy
5.3 Information Assurance Strategy
5.4 Net-Centric Architecture
6. Conclusion


  • Subaji Mohan VIT Business School, VIT University, India
  • Sung Hyun Juhn School of Business Information Technology, Kookmin University
  • Eun Mi Choi School of Business Information Technology, Kookmin University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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