

Design of a machine learning based mobile application with GPS, mobile sensors, public GIS : real time prediction on personal daily routes




Since the global positioning system (GPS) has been included in mobile devices (e.g., for car navigation, in smartphones, and in smart watches), the impact of personal GPS log data on daily life has been unprecedented. For example, such log data have been used to solve public problems, such as mass transit traffic patterns, finding optimum travelers’ routes, and determining prospective business zones. However, a real-time analysis technique for GPS log data has been unattainable due to theoretical limitations. We introduced a machine learning model in order to resolve the limitation. In this paper presents a new, three-stage real-time prediction model for a person's daily route activity. In the first stage, a machine learning–based clustering algorithm is adopted for place detection. The training data set was a personal GPS tracking history. In the second stage, prediction of a new person's transient mode is studied. In the third stage, to represent the person's activity on those daily routes, inference rules are applied.


1. Introduction
2. Related Research
3. Model Description
3.1 stage 1: 'place' detection from GPS tracks with history of personal daily route and GIS data
3.2 stage 2: machine learning based transient mode prediction from GPS track and sensor database
3.3 stage 3: inference rules on predicting a person's activity
3.4 update data
4. Simulations
4.1 Analysis on PLACE clustering
4.2 Analysis on transient mode
5. Conclusion


  • Hyunkyung Shin Department of Mathematical Finance, Gachon University, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea


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