

Part IV : Poster Session - Korean e-Government Practices

A Smart contract protocol based on Blockchin for PDS



Nowadays, private information is regarded as an asset. In present, companies collect private information much more than ever to develop and provide customized services, and also customers have to provide their private information to use those services. Therefore, much more private information is integrated in bigger company, and exposure of private information from the company becomes critical accident now. It is ironic that the owner of private information has not much options to control his/her property, although private information is regarded as an asset. PDS is abbreviation of personal data store, and this proposes a new perspective that deals with private information. The purpose of PDS is that private information has to be stored and controlled by the owner, and also provides ways to sell private information to companies which the owner want to. It is clear that there are many steps to adopt and implement PDS, but advanced countries already begin study on PDS. Adopting PDS requires many new technologies, and smart contract is one of them. Smart contract in PDS is used for making contract between owner and companies to decide how company use private information, and many researches have announced various protocol. In this paper, the author proposes a new contract protocol for PDS based on blockchain. This protocol will be used for making contract protocol in PDS.


1. Introduction
2. Related works
3. Proposed Protocol
4. Conclusion


  • Woongryul Jeon Department of Cyber Security and Police, Gwangju University


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