

Part IV : Poster Session - Korean e-Government Practices

An exploratory study on price model of cloud service in public sector



The government is expected to accelerate the adoption of cloud computing in the public sector with the enactment of the Law on the Development of Cloud Computing and Protection of Users. However, in order to estimate the cost of introducing cloud computing in the public sector, there is no adequate calculation model. In most cases, the IT manager admits the cloud computing cost presented by the developer. This makes it difficult to judge the appropriateness or cost of public cloud computing. Therefore, this study intends to develop an accurate and easy-to-use model that is suitable for domestic situation and applicable to cloud computing business.


1. Introduction
2. Related Works
2.1 Public Sector Cloud Computing Activation Policy
2.2 Conventional Cloud Computing Price Model
3. Extablishing Price Model of Cloud Service
3.1. Cloud Computing Pricing Model
3.2 Definition of Cloud Computing Price Model by Categories & Characters
4. Conclusion



  • Jonghei Ra Dept. of Computer Engineering, Gwangju University
  • Seojun Lee Dept. of Business Administration, Kunkook Univeristy
  • Youngjin Choi Dept. of Healthcare Management, Eulji University

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