

Conference Program - Day 1 (December 11th, 2018) : Part I : Opening Ceremony and EA & G-Cloud

Strategies and Programs of eGovernment Cloud in Denmark and China



This presentation analyses the strategies and programs of eGovernment in a cloud environment in Denmark and China. eGovernment is the use of digital information and communication technology (ICT) in public administration. With the adoption of cloud technology, the access to remote software, platforms, and infrastructure, has altered crucial foundations for how eGovernment is organized. The data previously contained in-house can now, with potential efficiency and effectiveness benefits, be located on remote servers. The legal constraints and security considerations, however, do limit the extent to which cloud has become an integral part of government enterprise architectures (EA). This presentation aims to clarify how cloud-services have been incorporated in the eGovernment of Denmark and China. We do this through first establishing the role of cloud-solutions in the EA. Then we look at the more specific cloud strategies, or the visions for the role of cloud-based public services. And subsequently, we describe how concrete cloud policies, programs, and projects have been adopted and implemented in the two countries. This entails analysing the legal framework, the cloud audit and assurance mechanisms, and the data-security models applied. After the exposition of the cases, we discuss the similarities and differences and put this in a global context. Finally, we summarize the findings and their implications in the conclusion part.




  • Jesper Schlaeger Presentation Prepared for the International Conference on e-Government Enterprise Architecture and Cloud Computing

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