

Ⅲ. 문화와 담론

유혹시험대화에서 대화함축의 추론 : 썰(Searle 1981)의 이론을 중심으로


Inference of Conversation Implicature in Temptation Test Dialogues : Focusing on the inferential framework of Searle(1981)


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is focused on the problem of interpretation of the Temptation Test Dialogues between Jesus and Devil (Matthew 4:1-11), which are expressed as an indirect speech act. These dialogues have a structure which can be interpreted differently by readers, because the points of the test questions and answers are out of line. Dostoevsky evaluated these dialogues as having influenced the discussion of Russian religious philosophy through the issue of bread and freedom in the . In his work he gave many criticisms to Jesus, but there were not any questions about the ambiguous attitude of Jesus’ answers in the dialogues. And some researchers of dialogue text have studied this conversation in terms of dialogue strategy, but did not pay any attention to Jesus' response attitude. They did not point out the problem of violation of Grice's the cooperative principle, even though these dialogues have unnatural forms of responses. The inference method for these dialogues is based on Searle's(1981) inference algorithm of the Inference theory, Relevance theory, Cooperative principle and the Speech act theory, through which the dialogues were expressed as indirect speech act with conversation implicature.


1. 머리말
2. 분석을 위한 이론적 틀
2.1. 썰(1981)의 추론 틀
2.2. 서사텍스트 대화 수용의 문제
3. 썰(1981)의 추론 틀을 통한 유혹시험대화의 의미 해석
3.1. 제 1 유혹시험대화에서 마귀의 발화 발화수반력 추론(A형 추론)
3.2. 제1 유혹대화 예수의 대응 발화 추론: 거절인가? 사양인가? (B형 추론)
3.3. 제 2 유혹시험대화에서 마귀의 발화에 대한 예수의 추론 (A형 추론)
3.4. 제 2 유혹시험대화에서 예수의 대응발화에 대한 마귀의 발화수반력 추론(B형 추론)
4. 맺음말


  • 안병팔 Byung-Pal Ahn. 서경대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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