This paper aims to study aspectual meanings and features of the Korean passive verb. The aspect of a passive verb will change with meaning. When expressing the meaning of result, a passive verb is used as an Achievement and when expressing the meaning of possibility, it is used as a State. A passive verb derived from an Achievement, an Accomplishment or a Semelfactive could express the meaning of result, while a passive verb derived from an Activity could not. In addition, the subject of a passive verb that expresses the meaning of possibility could be a target argument or a tool argument, and the latter does not involve the passive meaning. Through this discussion, we can better understand the meanings of Korean passive verbs and how aspectual features vary depending on their meanings.
II. 상적 유형과 피동사
Ⅲ. 결과의 의미와 상적 특성
Ⅳ. 가능의 의미와 상적 특성
Ⅴ. 결론