

海外帰国者の日本語使用と言語管理 - 日本から帰国した在日済州人の事例を中心に -


Use of Japanese Language and Language Management of Returnees from overseas : Focusing on cases of Korean Returnee from Japan in Jeju Island in South Korea.

今千春, 高民定

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As globalization in society advances, the number of people who are moving again and returning to their own country after migrating abroad and living there for a certain period of time is increasing. Returnees from overseas have experienced using and acquiring various languages during migration, therefore it is thought that their experiences have an effect on their language use after they return home. As basic research on language management of returnees from overseas, this paper analyzes the management of the Japanese language of Korean returnees from Japan in Jeju in South Korea. Jeju Island of Korea has had a culture of migrating to other countries or regions for a long time, and there has especially been frequent migration to Japan. As a result, there are many people who have experienced living in Japan in Jeju Island, and it is supposed that some management of Japanese language is still done by them. Based on our interviews of Korean returnees from Japan, we examined features of the management of Japanese language and actual use of Japanese language by returnees. Then, we suggested variations in their Japanese language acquisition and their management of the Japanese language as a language resource after returning to Jeju Island.


1. はじめに
2. 在日済州人の背景と先行研究
2.1 在日済州人とは
2.2 在日済州人の移動の歴史
2.3 在日済州人をめぐる研究
3. 調査方法
3.1 調査概要
3.2 調査協力者のプロフィール
3.3 分析項目
4. 分析結果
4.1 渡日の経緯と在日済州人コミュニティとのつながり
4.2 渡日前後の日本語習得状況と日本での言語環境
4.3 日本語の習得意識
4.4 帰国後の言語環境と日本語の接触状況
4.5 現在の日本語能力の評価
4.6 実際の日本語会話に見られる日本語使用の特徴
5. 考察とまとめ:在日済州人コミュニティと移動性


  • 今千春 금천춘. 神田外語大学
  • 高民定 고민정. 千葉大学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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