


조선조 불서(佛書) 언해ㆍ사기(私記) 와 탄허 현토역해(懸吐譯解)의 비교 고찰


A Comparative Study on Unhae and Saki As Buddhist Scriptures of Joseon Period and Tanhuh Hyontoyeokhae


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



There are three lessons in Korean traditional Buddhist curriculum and each lesson has textbooks . They are fundamental textbooks for Korean Buddhism , and directions and bases to define its identity . Each textbook is accompanied by Saki (私記, personal commentary ) , part of which is annotated . Saki and Unhae (諺解, annotation ) were achieved by Korean learned monks . As the Traditional Culture Research Association developed a project to translate and annotate Confucian classic books , Sipsamgyongjooso (十三經注疏) which was annotated by Korean and Tang scholars is being translated . The translation of Confucian classic books was annotated in detail so that researchers can use it for their studies . The implications of important books can not properly understood only through simple translation into Korean . A number of Buddhist scriptures were annotated after the Korean script had been published . Prestigious monks including Sinmi , Hakyeol , Hakjo participated in the high - quality translation and annotation . Saki has a high academic value as it inherited results of a number of studies and research by learned monks who had studied in China since the Three Kingdoms Period . A great number of Buddhist scriptures were published since Yongsung (龍 城, 1864∼1940) and Unhuh (耘虛, 1892~1980) had begun translating them in the 20 th century . The translation gave a focus on use of easy Korean languages for popularization . In particular , as Unhuh did not use Chinese characters for popularization as soon as possible he could , his translation was not suitable to deliver original meaning of the Buddhist scriptures . Tanhuh Taeksung (呑虛宅成, 1913~1983) realized the problem and translated them with annotation in Korean . His translation is easy to understand contexts and those who have some knowledge on Chinese writings can read them with the help of dictionaries . It fits for the present researchers . It is considered that his translation works as a strong bridge connecting the past to the present when Chinese writings are disappearing . However , it is sorry that his translated books ' values have been forgotten because of exclusive use of Korean language . Tanhuh intended to publish textbooks for all the people as well as professional scholars to read . For that , he studied himself and was engaged in annotating Buddhist Scriptures that anyone could read easily . He annotated them simply only for what he considered it was necessary and it was thought that he might annotate his opinion . Mistranslation of Chinese writings cited in the Buddhist Scriptures as well as Buddhist Scriptures themselves is very serious . Our outstanding Buddhism that embraced both Gyojong and Sunjong is losing its identity . The responsibility lies on all of us . It is the time to translate basic Buddhist Scriptures so that researchers can use them for their studies . First of all , it is important to select good annotated translation cases of textbooks and leading Buddhist Scriptures that were used in Gangwon . Then , literal and free translation should be added and faithful annotation should be made through referring to cases of annotated translation of Confucian books by the Traditional Culture Research Association , Unhae and Saki .


한국 불교의 전통 교육과정에는 교재들이 있고, 이 교재들이 한국 불교의 기본서로서 오랜 세월 한국 불교의 수행 지침이 되고 정체성을 규정하는 근거가 되어왔다. 이 교재들에는 각각 사기(私記)가 딸려 있고, 일부는 언해(諺解)가 있다. 사기와 언해는 우리 학승들의 손에서 이루어진 것으로 매우 우수한 주석이요 번역이다. 그리고 20세기에 들어와서 역경을 시작한 이후로 많은 불서 번역들이 나왔는데, 이 불서들의 번역은 주로 대중화에 초점을 맞추어 쉬운 한글을 쓰는 데 주력하여 원문의 뜻을 전달하는 데는 오히려 미흡하다. 근래 탄허 택성은 일찍이 이러한 문제점을 인식, 언해와 같이 토(吐)를 달고 직역하여 많은 불서들을 현토하고 번역하였다. 사기의 주석도 꼭 필요한 곳에만 채택하여 간약하게 축약하고, 자기 견해를 주석으로 달기도 했다. 탄허는 문맥을 쉽게 파악할 수 있고 한자 지식이 조금 있는 사람이 사전을 참고하면 알 수 있게 번역하였다. 탄허는 전문 학인을 위한 교재를 만들고 싶어 하였고, 그 결과 오늘날 연구자에게 필요한 번역이 되었다. 지금 불서 뿐 아니라 불서가 인용된 한문은 오역이 이미 심각한 수준을 넘었다. 사교입선(捨敎入禪)하는 우리 전통의 우수한 불교는 그 정체성을 잃어가고 있다. 이제 우리나라 강원에서 사용된 교재 및 주요 불서들을 선정하여 직역에 의역을 가미하고 언해와 사기를 참고하여 충실한 주석을 다는 작업이 시급하다.


국문 초록
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 불서 언해·사기(私記)의 학술적 가치
Ⅲ. 탄허 현토역해(懸吐譯解)의 특징과 번역사적 위상
Ⅳ. 불서 번역을 위한 제언(提言)
Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 이상하 Lee, Sang-Ha. 한국고전번역원 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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