

동아시아 境界人으로서의 渤海人과 渤海遺民


palhae people and its refugee descendants as marginal man of East Asia

동아시아 경계인으로서의 발해인과 발해유민


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Palhae is the most typical multi-ethnic group and multi-cultural nation in Korean history, And it is a marginal nation at the same time. Palhae is such a distinctive nation that it needs to be discussed in terms of ‘margin’ with several respects such as national attribution, and besides geographical border which was relatively long. In short, it is a marginal nation in terms of time, space, and ethnicity. The lexical meaning of a marginal man is 'an individual suspended between two cultural and social realities and struggles to establish one's identity because he or she doesn't belong to either side.' The concept of marginal man in this paper doesn't necessarily correspond to that of lexicon. Above all, those who participated in the residential community of Palhae in the time of Palhae country or transferred to neighboring countries from Palhae are researched. Next, those who emigrated to Koryeo or China in the wake of the downfall of Palhae are examined. Then various Palhae refugee descendants who were living in Liao and Jin Dynasty were also considered. In this process, the purpose of this paper is to examine the marginal people who enter the stage of Palhae and the Palhae refugee descendants who enter the history of Palhae's downfall on the respect of marginal men. The collapse of Palhae brought about numerous marginal man, or refugee descendants all around East Asia at that time. The approach to Palhae refugee descendants suggests us to see it as the problem of immigrants and refugees, and to oversee the movement of refugee descendants as well. Moreover it provides the possibilities of looking into various aspects of national attribution, marginal men, diaspora and so on. To return to the main topic mentioned as above, Palhae residents and refugee descendants are surveyed with the respect of marginal man. In addition, the history of Palhae and its refugee descendants has the chance to be interpreted in the scope of whole East Asia beyond Korean history. The followings are some character istic results of recognization on Palhae refugee descendants with the viewpoint of marginal man. First, Palhae is a nation of margin and marginal men. In other words, it is a nation of margin in the aspects of geography, national identity, distinction of historical times, and the connection of Koryeo and Koguryeo dynasty. Second, Palhae is a multi-ethnic community. Residential proportion is so complicated that Palhae consists of koguryeos, Malgals, Uighurs, Sogdian, Khitans, Chinese, Sillas and etc. Third, Palhae is a society of integration and tolerance. Even though Palhae is complicated with residential composition, the discrimination between various residents is not discovered. The nation also has no discrimination in political system. It oriented the policy of tolerance rather than discrimination. Fourth, Palhae is a nation of internationalism and openness. This characteristic seems to be the result of Tang dynasty, which made Palhae highly brisk in human and material exchange. The plurality and dynamics of Koryeo dynasty show the influence of Palhae. Fifth, Palhae is a society which has a variety of cultures. It cherished its own unique culture and the cultures of Koguryeo, Tang, Malgal, Middle Asia, and Silla as well. We live in the times of margin. Palhae was also the nation of margin. Its downfall resulted in various marginal men across the whole East Asia. The marginal men managed to lead a variety of lives according to their own circumstances and they also performed their own roles in their dynasty of Liao, Jin, and Koryeo.


발해 주민구성원 전체를 발해인이라고 한다면 이들은 멸망과 함께 발해 유민으로 전환되었다. 본고는 이러한 발해인과 발해 유민을 동아시아 경계인의 입장에서 검토한 것이다. 우선 발해의 경계인 즉, 발해 존속기에 발해의 주민구성에 참여한 사람들과 발해에서 이웃 나라로 이주한 주요 인물들을 조사해 사례를 제시하였다. 그 다음에는 발해의 멸망으로 고려, 중국(후주, 송) 등 각지로 이주했거나 거란(요), 여진(금)에서 살아갔던 여러 유형의 발해 유민들을 검토하였다. 특히 발해의 멸망은 동아시아 전체에 수많은 경계인, 유민을 낳았다. 발해 유민에 대한 접근은 단지 유민에 대한 동태나 양상만이 아니라 이주민과 난민의 문제, 국가 귀속, 디아스포라의 관점 등 다양한 측면에서 연구가 가능하나 여기서는 경계인의 시각에서 바라다보았다. 아무튼 이 글은 경계인의 시각과 함께 한국사를 넘어 동아시아 전체의 범위에서 발해사와 발해 유민사를 살펴보았다. 더하여 발해 주민구성 문제의 이해도를 높이는 것도 감안하였다. 경계인의 시선으로 발해인과 발해 유민을 바라본 결과 발해 사회의 몇 가지 특징을 발견하였다. 첫째, 발해는 경계․경계인의 나라다. 둘째, 발해는 다민족․다문화 사회다. 셋째, 발해는 통합과 포용의 사회다. 넷째, 발해는 국제성과 개방성의 사회다. 다섯째, 발해는 다양한 문화가 존재하는 사회다


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 발해의 경계인, 경계의 발해인
Ⅲ. 경계인으로서의 발해 유민
Ⅳ. 경계인의 시선으로 본 발해 사회
Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 이효형 Lee, Hyo-hyeong. 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 객원연구원


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