


Development and Application of Multi-Function Valve to Solve Major Problems of Expansion and Off-Odor Leakage in the Packaging of Kimchi




The one-way gas valve developed in this study was designed to prevent the breakage of packages from increased internal pressure, which is a problem in packaged Kimchi, and simultaneously reduce the outflow of the offodor release. The effect of the one-way gas valve on the headspace atmospheric compositions was investigated in the packaging system. The changes of atmospheric compositions and quality factors of Kimchi, such as CO2 accumulation, pH, titratable acidity, and salinity, were measured during a 4-week storage period at 4oC. The Kimchi package with the one-way gas valve dramatically reduced pressure build-up in the pouch by allowing the controlled flow of gas to the atmosphere. In addition, the package design allows the possibility of controlling the gas generated from Kimchi by adjusting the viscosity of the open pressure control oil. The one-way gas valve did not affect the sensory characteristics of Kimchi products during the storage period. Furthermore, the deodorizing capability of the activated carbon contained in the one-way gas valve effectively reduced the off-odor of Kimchi products released along with carbon dioxide. The novel one-way gas valve is considered to be an active packaging system that can solve major problems of expansion and offodor leakage in the packaging of Kimchi.


Materials and Methods
1. Description of active packaging system with one-way gas valve for fermented Kimchi
2. Measurement of headspace pressure and atmospheric composition in packaging
3. Salinity, pH, and titratable acidity changes
4. Sensory evaluations
5. Statistical analysis
Results and Discussion
1. Changes of headspace pressure and atmosphericcompositions in pouches with and without a one-way gas valve
2. Changes in pH, salinity, and titratable acidity of Kimchi during storage
3. Sensory evaluation according to one-way gas valve types


  • Suyeon Jeong Industrial Technology Research Group, World Institute of Kimchi, Gwangju 61755, Korea
  • Chi Heung Cho Industrial Technology Research Group, World Institute of Kimchi, Gwangju 61755, Korea
  • Hyun-Gyu Lee Industrial Technology Research Group, World Institute of Kimchi, Gwangju 61755, Korea
  • Jung-Soo Lee Industrial Technology Research Group, World Institute of Kimchi, Gwangju 61755, Korea
  • SeungRan Yoo Industrial Technology Research Group, World Institute of Kimchi, Gwangju 61755, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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