Development of an English Education Word List : A Corpus-based Study using Korean∙Foreign Articles Corpora
This paper aims to develop a word list for learners whose major is English education. For this purpose, the following three processes were taken. First of all, two corpora including around 5,000,000 running words were compiled. One is Korean Writers’ Articles Corpus(KWAC) constructed from 256 articles published in two journals from 2013 to 2017: English Teaching and The Journal of English Language Teaching. And the other is Foreign Writers’ Articles Corpus(FWAC) that contains 387 articles extracted from two journals: Foreign Language Annals and TESOL Quarterly. Secondly, Heatley & Nation’s (2002) Range program was utilized to extract General Service List(GSL), Academic Word List(AWL), Technical Word List(TWL) and others from the corpora listed above. Thirdly, frequency and range were set as criteria to extract a proper English education word list. As a result, this paper identified a total of 744 word families comprised of GSL, AWL, TWL, and others. And this paper concluded that there was a need to develop a word list in the specific field, i.e., English education and that the best way to study English in that field was for learners to acquire a relevant word list in advance without any order.
II. 이론적 배경 및 선행 연구
III. 분석 대상 및 방법
1. 분석 대상
2. 분석 방법
IV. 분석 결과 및 토의
1. KWAC와 FWAC의 어휘 목록
2. 영어교육 어휘 목록
3. AWL 어휘군 비교 분석
V. 영어교육 어휘 목록 학습순서
VI. 결론
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