

Locality in English Dissimilatory Processes : Analyses in Surface Correspondence Theory



This paper analyzes dissimilatory processes in English in terms of locality. Zymet (2015) reports that rule applicability decreases as distance between the target and the trigger increases. Specifically, this paper analyzes liquid dissimilation processes in English in Surface Correspondence Theory. In this theory, two constraint families are posited. One is the Corr constraints that require correspondence among similar segments, and the other is the CC-Limiter constraints that penalize corresponding segments if they do not meet certain criteria. In this paper, three cases of distance-based liquid dissimilation are analyzed with different CC-Limiter constraints. The first one is local dissimilation in which corresponding segments are in the same syllable. Therefore, distance between correspondents is shortest and the ratio of rule application is highest. The second one is dissimilation where corresponding segments are in adjacent syllable. Finally, dissimilation where one transparent syllable is between corresponding segments is analyzed. Since this shows the longest distance between correspondents, the proportion of rule application is lowest. In addition, variants (e.g. columnar~columnal) are analyzed by a different constraint ranking.


I. Introduction
II. Surface Correspondence Theory
III. Analyses of Dissimilatory Processes in English and Locality
1. Locality
2. Analyses of English Liquid Dissimilation in Terms of Locality
IV. Conclusion
Works Cited


  • Cho, Hyung-Mook Korea National University of Transportation, Professor


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