

영어와 한국어의 환유 비교


Comparison of Metonymy in English and Korean


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims at the study of metonymy phenomenon in English and Korean. Following Cruse (2004), we compare and examine six types of frequently used metonymy data in two languages. First, in the type of ‘container for contained’, ‘car’ and ‘room’ are frequently used in both languages. Inherent properties like name and age are usually omitted, but the extrinsic referents such as briefcase are not. And there exists a hierarchy of individual < team < nation, in which a nation stands for either an individual or a team, and a team for a person. Humans can be used for any actions of certain body parts. It has also been noticed that upper body parts such as ‘face’ or ‘mouth’ are commonly used for people. In addition, whereas Korean allows most examples to be used in the type of ‘people for institution’, English only allows some of the types. Finally, in relation with sensory verbs, ‘hear’ or ‘smell’ are freely used without nouns like ‘sound’ or ‘scent’ in English, whereas verb ‘taste’ is used without noun ‘taste’ in Korean. In most types of metonymy, both languages show similar patterns which should be regarded as ‘language universal’ and there exist subtle differences as ‘language specific’.


I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
2.1. 정신 공간
2.2. 활성역
2.3. 환유법
III. 영어와 한국어의 환유 비교
3.1. 용기
3.2. 소유자
3.3. 대표 실체
3.4. 전체
3.5. 부분
3.6. 장소
3.7. 기타 연관관계
IV. 결론
Works Cited


  • 오상룡 Oh, Sangryong. 한국교통대학교, 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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