

돈 드릴로의 언어와 필립 로스의 『더 휴먼 스테인』 속 ‘인간의 오점’ 간 상관관계


A Correlation between Don DeLillo’s Language and ‘Human Stain’ in Philip Roth’s The Human Stain


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to find why crying and language of children with brain damage play an important role in lots of Don DeLillo’s works and to analyse the similarity between words unconsciously used by ordinary people and ‘Human stain’ in Philip Roth’s The Human Stain. All human languages are contaminated by experiencing historical events like wars, murders, the threat of nuclear, and capitalism and have negative aura. Consequently, All human beings except children with brain damage live together with terror of death. This is similar to Coleman Silk who is imprinted as a racist. He is also represented as a representative intellectual and seems to be contaminated by knowledge. Teaching Greek in college, reciting Shakespeare’s works and arguing about feminism are examples of how people have become polluted by knowledge. To look for the purest language, Don DeLillo has regressed into the past and found roots of words. He has consistently tried to use absence of a predicate, short sentences, and conversations consisting of only monosyllables and repeated phrases which are like chanting a spelling in most of his works. But the most extraordinary tool he used is children with brain damage because only children with brain damage are not stained by human’s negative aura.


I. 들어가는 말
II. 과거로의 집착
III. 드릴로의 언어
IV. 필립 로스의 『더 휴먼 스테인』속 인간의 오점과 드릴로의 언어 간 상관관계
V. 나가는 글
Works Cited


  • 김태서 Kim, Tae-Seo. 강릉원주대학교, 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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