요통 환자를 위한 멕켄지의 역학적 증후군 진단 : 역학적 부하 전략을 중심으로
Purpose: McKenzie is a widely-used and conventional clinical therapeutic exercise for patients with mechanical lower back pain. It is a well-designed assessment and classification system for the spine. Main issue: Patients with mechanical lower back pain are classified into one of three mechanical syndromes (posture, dysfunction, or derangement syndrome) by mechanical loading strategies. These methods evaluate symptomatic and mechanical responses during repeated end-range movement and sustained postures. The goal of McKenzie mechanical syndrome diagnosis is to determine directional preferences. Directional preference is a phenomenon of preference for posture or movement in one direction, which reduces or centralizes pain. However, in Korea, there is a lack of awareness of basic McKenzie mechanical syndromes diagnostic concepts. Koreans tend to think of the McKenzie method as a simple lumbar extension exercise. However, an accurate diagnosis of a mechanical syndrome must precede the application of McKenzie exercise. Conclusions: Thus, in this study, I present a classification method of McKenzie mechanical syndrome diagnosis and clinical characteristics of each mechanical syndrome.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 본론
1. Mechanical diagnosis and therapy (MDT)
2. Mechanical low back pain
3. Mechanical loading strategies
4. Directional preference
5. McKenzie mechanical syndrome classification
Ⅲ. 결론