

Smart-work and Organizational Performance: Mediating Effect of Communication and Collaboration in the Public Sector in Korea



With the improvement of smart devices, network and cloud computing, and the development of mega platforms for on demand services, efficient and non-face-to-face smart-work environments are increasingly available without time and space constraints. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of various elements of smart-work systems (smart-work knowledge, type of smart-work, smartwork technologies, organizational system) on the communication and collaboration of the organization. And then it is to reveal an important factor in enhancing effectiveness of smart-work and organizational performance and in demonstrating the value creation mechanism of smart-work system. To verify the research model, we utilize for smart-work awareness survey data of 800 government officials worked on 36 organizations as Korea 's public and research institutes. As a result, smart-work knowledge, types, technologies, and organizational system were found to enhance the communication of organizational members. On the other hand, types and technologies of smart-work promote collaboration, but smartwork knowledge and organizational system do not directly affect collaboration of organizational members. As with previous studies, communication and collaboration in the smart-work system showed positive effects in improving effectiveness of smart-work, and furthermore it was proved to be a leading factor in creating organizational performance. Through this study, Smart-work mechanism creates effectiveness and performance by strengthening communication and collaboration among the members of the organization.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Literature Review and Conceptual Background
2.1. Telework and/or Smart-work
2.2. Key factors of telework/smart-work
Ⅲ. Research Model and Hypothesis
3.1. Research Model
3.2. Hypothesis
Ⅳ. Research Methodology and Empirical Results
4.1. Data Collection
4.2. Measurement Reliability and Validity
4.3. Common Method Variance Test
4.4. Model Fitness
4.5. Hypothesis test
4.6. Mediating Effect Test of Communication and Collaboration
Ⅴ. Conclusion


  • Kang Duck Lee Ph.D, University Industry Cooperation Professor, Smart Fintech Research Center, Sogang University, Korea


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