

Developing new ways for Initial Coin Offerings : The Future of Investment Management



Blockchain technology is likely to be a key source of future financial market innovation. Crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin is represents the largest implementation of Blockchain technology works. People’s interest in technology continues to grow in the financial technology and broader financial services communities. Also, Initial coin offerings (ICOs) are sales of Blockchain-based digital tokens that are associated with specific platforms or assets. Since 2014 ICOs have emerged as a new financing instrument, with some parallels to equity IPOs whose tokens are subsequently traded for at least few months on secondary market exchanges. This paper aims to the how to developing new ways for ICOs and how to solve the some issues faced on ICOs.


  • 자야 순천향대학교 일반대학원 경영학과
  • 임현아 순천향대학교 일반대학원 경영학과
  • 최재원 순천향대학교 글로벌경영대학 경영학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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