Google shows a representative form of ambidextrous organization. Employees are working for exploratory or innovative project of their own in the rate of 20% and for exploitative or operational work of corporate project in the rate of 80% of their time and effort. Technology acceptance model has been researched for many years since information systems area had started. However, IS has been prevalently employed and utilized in organization and is being operated in every function in corporations. Strategic use of IS calls for adaptive use of IS in different contexts where business environment and competition has been changing. Arvidsson et al. (2014) call it strategy blindness which is defined as “organizational incapability to realize the strategic intent of implemented, available system capabilities,” and they identified one of the factors that contribute to strategy blindness is flexibility of the IT artifact. Flexibility set trade-offs with expertise: as expertise is increased, flexibility may be decreased (Dane 2010). Experts are more cognitively entrenched than novices, and hence, they conform to their densely structured schemata resulting in less adaptive or creative solution. Expertise does not try to search outside domain when it is necessary in a dynamic environment to pursue innovation. Adaptability is regarded as flexibility considering more on change, which has a certain direction (Kane & Alavi 2007). The pattern of IS use is a critical subject for practitioners and scholars which has just begun to get interest. The pattern of IS use, adaptive use of IT, or strategic use of IT, are spotlighted recently. It is requested to be studied on how we should use IT for the success of an organization since it gets more important than whether we will simply adopt information technology or not. Among the pattern of IT use, the exploratory or exploitative use of IT is investigated in the present study. Organizational learning determines strategic orientation and performance in corporations. It has two patterns of learning with exploratory vs. exploitative such that the former represents innovation, external search, integration, or global adaptation, and the latter represents incremental and internal search, automatic and local adaptation, or efficient process of operation (Mithas and Rust 2016). The two types have been studied largely in the context of organization level, not in individual level of employee capability. Further, the different type of employees’ IT use capability has been the focus of research very recently and yet there are few of them we can find. This current study will investigate the individual level of exploratory and exploitative IT use capability and the most importantly, the transitional use of exploration to exploitation and vice versa will be specifically evaluated.