

조선총독부 제생원의 운영과 실태


Management and reality of the Jesaengwon of the Government-General of Korea under the Empire of Japan


전북사학회 전북사학 제54호 2018.11 pp.223-256
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The private Gyeongseong Orphanage was taken over and was reorganized into Jesaengwon in 1911. Jesaengwon consisted of the department of childrearing in charge of raising orphans and the department of the blind, which educated visually impaired children and children with hearing problems. It was a special education facility installed to promote the propaganda of the benevolence of the Japanese Emperor. The department of childrearing initiated its business in April 1912. It ran its own attached farm, and children belonging to Jesaengwon were partially mobilized for farming. The department of the blind recruited children for the first time in March 1914. Its program for visually impaired children was for three years, and that for deaf children for five years. The education at Jesaengwon was classified into general education and occupational education. A special focus was given to the occupational education related to career development. The fundamental goals of the Jesaengwon education were self-support and independence. After completing the education at the department of childrearing, which was equal to that of a normal school, orphans who were unable to find a job had to work at Jesaengwon’s adjoining farm. The basic purpose of this was to produce independent farmers through the farming techniques acquired at the farm. The department of the blind taught massaging and acupuncture to visually impaired children in addition to the normal education and offered occupational training such as dressmaking and sewing to children with hearing problems.


조선총독부제생원은 1911년 임시은사금을 기반으로 삼아 “구휼사업” 기관으로 설립되었다. 제생원은 고아를 보육하는 양육부와 시각장애인과 청각장애인을 교육하는 맹아부로 구성되었다. 제생원은 특수교육시설이었으며, 천황의 ‘자혜’를 전시할 목적으로 설치된 선전 시설이었다. 양육부는 1912년 4월부터 사업을 개시하였고, 별도의 부속농장을 운영하였는데, 제생원 소속의 원아 일부가 동원되어 농사를 지었다. 맹아부는 1914년 3월에 처음으로 원아를 모집하였는데, 3년제 맹생과와 5년제 아생과로 구성되어 있다. 제생원 교육은 보통교육과 실업교육으로 나뉘었는데, 특히 중점을 둔 것이 진로와 관련된 직업 교육이었다. 제생원 교육의 핵심은 자활과 자립으로 양육부는 부속농장에서의 실습을 통한 자영농민의 육성이, 시각장애인은 일본에서 이식된 새로운 직업인 안마의 습득, 청각장애인은 양재와 재봉 등의 기술 습득이 핵심이었다. 일제시기 제생원은 직업 교육을 통한 자활·자립을 목적으로 하였으며, 일제의 선정과 자혜의 표본의 대상으로 활용되고 있었다.


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 양육부의 운영 실태
Ⅲ. 맹아부의 운영 실태
Ⅳ. 맺음말



  • 조명근 Cho, Myung-Keun. 영남대학교 역사학과 조교수.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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