

초등영어 문법교육에 대한 영어 전담교사의 인식과 통합적 문법지도 방안


Teachers’ Perceptions of and Integrative Strategies for Teaching English Grammar in Elementary Schools


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper has dual aims. One is to analyze the results of interviewing four English teachers about focus on form approaches and corrective feedback techniques as well as English grammar teaching in elementary schools, focused on the necessity, the timing and the methods of grammar instruction. The other is to discuss strategies for integrating grammar instruction with communicative language use to propose effective grammar teaching approaches which can be implemented in the elementary school English classroom. The results of this study are as follows: Grammar should be taught to 5th and 6th grade students deductively, if necessary, as well as inductively since they will have to develop productive skills and written language skills to communicate more accurately with each other. Focus on form approaches are needed for students to pay attention to specific forms or correct their errors by themselves during communicative tasks under the teacher’s preferred corrective feedback techniques such as recasts, elicitation, repetition, etc. Two types of approaches are discussed to integrate grammar instruction with communicative language use. One is to design focused communicative tasks that focus students' attention on the predetermined specific forms during the tasks. The other is to provide reactive feedback explicitly or implicitly when grammatical errors occur while students’ primary attention is on meaning during the tasks. It is suggested that grammar can be taught to students at the intermediate level or above based on the former approach in which they can pay attention to specific forms, whereas it can be taught to most other students based on the latter in which they can receive the teacher’s feedback to correct errors, during communicative tasks.


I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
2.1 문법 교육의 필요성
2.2 문법 교육의 적용 시점
2.3 문법 교육을 위한 교수 접근법
III. 연구 방법
3.1 연구 대상
3.2 연구 도구와 자료 수집 및 분석
IV. 결과 분석과 논의
4.1 초등영어 문법 교육 전반에 대한 교사 인식
4.2 형태 초점 접근법과 교정적 피드백에 대한 교사 인식
V. 의사소통적 언어사용과 문법 교육의 통합 방안
5.1 초점화된 의사소통적 과업 접근법
5.2 의사소통적 과업 중 피드백 접근법
VI. 결론


  • 김영현 Young Hyun Kim. 광주교육대학교 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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