


해수환경 내 비다공성 표면에 유류된 잠재지문 현출을 위한 최적 시약조건에 관한 연구


Research the optical chemical reagents that can be detect latent fingerprints on non-porous surface in submerged aquatic environment

한우식, 김우중, 서영일, 이상윤

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The current research focuses on identifying chemical reagents that can be used to detect latent fingerprints on stainless steels in submerged aquatic environment which can damage the quality of the fingerprints. Fingerprint data has been collected from the limited environment and we used a scoring system to identify chemical reagents that can preserve the quality of the fingerprints as well as prolong the detection period. As a result, we used a collection of chemical reagents that can be used on wet surface and found the detection rate is significantly diminished after 3 days of water exposure. However, within 3 days of exposure we were still able to identify the fingerprints with the reagents. Interestingly, SPR and Errosoferric Oxide, which are commonly used on wet surface, was not effective in our study and the reagent CA that is normally used on non-porous surface also was not effective and had the lowest detection score. Nile Red and ORO regents however had outstanding detection scores in comparison with other reagents. This research can be further used to identify latent fingerprints on stainless steels in aquatic seawater.


I. 서론
II. 실험방법
2.1 재료 및 도구
2.2 실험방법
III. 실험 결과
IV. 결론 및 고찰
V. 참고문헌


  • 한우식 Woo-Sic Han. 순천향대학교 법과학대학원 법과학과
  • 김우중 Woo-Joong Kim. 울산지방경찰청 과학수사계
  • 서영일 Young-Il Seo. 국립과학수사연구원 법공학부 법안전과
  • 이상윤 Sang-Yoon Lee. 국립과학수사연구원 법공학부 법안전과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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