



“Kiki’s Delivery Service” by Hayao Miyazaki - Case Study in Class -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This thesis indicates how his work has been handled in Korean universities. Also, not only will this research help courses to be developed, but also it will be the clue of the research for my animation. The information given by students from 2015 to 2018 is arranged in this dissertation. From these data, this research paper shows rites of passage, the story of coming up to the capital, and the story of talents which are the important factors in his work. What I was impressed is that one student in class conducted in 2015 pointed out that “Kiki’s delivery service” and ‘Tangled“ have a same characteristic, the formula of girl’s growth. Similarly, presentation from class in 2018 shows the genealogy of ‘magic girls’, so people notice this work due to the direction of evaluating the main character of witch historically. After student’s presentation and group discussion, the author, who is the professor in charge, prepared to argue the basic factor for his work such as its background as well as argument, and to complement the contents that students suggest. However, there is a problem that the research about his work is not fully achieved; thus, this dissertation was highly based on the words of Hayao Miyazaki. From now on, it is necessary to discuss, not interpretations based on such an author’s remarks, but even the parts that appear in the author’s unconscious areas in the face of the work.


1. はじめに
2. 授業の概要
3. 学生の発表
3.1 2015年度の授業『日本文学演習』の発表例
3.2 2018年度の授業『韓日アニメーション分析』の発表例
4. 『魔女の宅急便』の授業例
4.1 作品の時代
4.2 田舎から都市へ、13歳の旅立ち
4.3 製作意図:思春期/自分探し
4.4 「避難場所」としての友情
4.5 「魔女」について
5. おわりに


  • 阿武正英 Anno, Masahide. 祥明大学校 韓日文化コンテンツ学科 副教授 近現代日本文学(文化)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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