



The meanings and functions of “kuse” in modern Japanese


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this paper, the meanings and functions of modern Japanese “kuse” are studied based on practical example sentences. Previous research mainly focuses on the usage of “kuse” as a conjunctive particle in a format of “kuseni” connecting to a verb. No literature has reported on the usages of “kuse” as a noun usage or a postposition. In the paper, the usages of “kuse” are described in the three different cases of meanings and functions: (1) noun usage, (2) postposition, and (3) conjunctive particle. The results of the study are summarized as follows. First, when “kuse” is used as a noun usage, it basically represents a habit indicated by a front noun, and “N+kuse” takes various cases in the sentences. In this case, “N+kuse” functions as a noun usage. Second, when “kuse” is used as a postposition, it implies the criticism against the meaning of a front noun. Nouns with stereotype meanings are commonly used in N, and unexpected or opposite things are discussed in the predicate. It is morphologically limited to the one fixed form of “N+kuseni”. In this case, “N+kuse” functions as a postposition. Third, when “kuse” is used as a conjunctive particle, it represents the criticism indicated by a front verb. Contradictions to V are discussed in the predicate. It is morphologically limited to the one fixed form of ”V+kuseni“. In this case, “V+kuse” functions as a conjunctive particle. In conclusion, our research found that “kuse” is used as a postposition or a conjunctive particle, although its basic function is a noun usage and it represents a habit in modern Japanese. As a postposition or a conjunctive particle, “kuse” shows significant changes in both aspects of formats and meanings.


1. はじめに
2. 先行研究と考察方法
3. 名詞用法
4. 後置詞化した場合
5. 接続助辞化した場合
6. まとめと今後の課題


  • 方允炯 방윤형. 水原大学校 外国語学部 日語日文学専攻 助教授, 日本語学(現代文法)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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