

評価の高い日本語作文における推敲過程 -読み手としてのコメントと書き手としての修正に 着目して-


Revision Process of Highly Evaluated Essay - Comments as A Reader and Modification as A Writer -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this study, I aim to clarify how the Japanese language learners who are highly evaluated in writing revise their essays. To do this, I conducted a quantitative and qualitative analysis on the comments at the time of mutual revision between the learners and the comments at the time of self-revision after the mutual revision. Results showed that there was no difference in the type and frequency of the comments between the groups of learners with high evaluation in writing and low evaluation and that the learners mutually give many comments on the contents and structures of essay. On the other hand, results also showed that the group of learners with high evaluation in writing actively modify both the contents and language when compared with the group of learners with low evaluation in writing. In addition, the learners reflected the experience of giving comments as a reader in the process of self-revision of their essays as shown by the examples of the essay. The above results revealed that the Japanese language learners aggressively revise their essays by using the experience of mutual revision. This study suggests that this way of revision is one of the factors that increase the perfection level of essay.


1. はじめに
2. 先行研究と課題
2.1 作文指導における協同推敲
2.2 協同推敲における学習者の活動
2.3 本研究の立場と研究課題
3. 研究方法
3.1 データの概要
3.2 作文の評価
3.3 分析方法
4. 結果
4.1 読み手としてのコメント
4.2 書き手としての修正
5. 考察
6. おわりに


  • 小松奈々 Komatsu, Nana. 高麗大学校日語日文学科助教授, 日本語教育


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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