

리모델링공사에서 사고원인 분석을 통한 다수 발생 사고방지를 위한 중점 안전관리의 업무프로세스와 체크리스트 구성체계의 고찰


Checklist Composition Structure and Business Process of Priority Safety Management to Prevent Majority Occurrence Accident through Analysis of Accident Cause in Remodeling Projects


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Safety management of remodeling is very important because dismantling work is initiated proactively as a major work and it is carried out in complex connection with repair work and extension work. However, the same or similar accidents occur repeatedly due to the lack of information accumulation as well as the cause analysis of past accidents. From this point of view, the purpose of this study is to propose the methodology of accident prevention to consider rationalization of safety management targeting safety accident 62 cases in the remodeling construction projects from 1994 to 2016. In order to perform the purpose of this study, after the cause of the accident was found, the analysis of the actual situation for each work type of majority accident was carried out and the mechanism of the accident occurrence was considered. Based on the case study and related laws, we suggested composition structure of checklist and business process of priority safety


1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구의 방법 및 범위
2. 이론적인 고찰 및 기존 관련 연구의 동향
2.1 리모델링공사의 특성
2.2 기존 관련 연구의 주요 내용 및 미비점
3. 리모델링공사에서의 안전사고 실태 사례연구
3.1 사고원인 분류체계
3.2 다수 사고 작업별 재해실태 및 사고발생 메카니즘
3.3 종합적인 고찰
4. 리모델링공사에서의 사고원인의 도출을 통한 재해방지 방안의 고찰
4.1 사업장 리모델링공사의 중점 안전관리 업무 프로세스의 제시
4.2 벽체해체 시의 사고 및 추락 방지 체크리스트 구성체계의 제시
5. 결론


  • 김진호 Kim, Jin-Ho. 동명대학교 건축․디자인대학 건축공학과 조교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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