This paper aims to provide a comparative description of the current state of translation profession in Malaysia and Korea which covers an overview of the environment of translators’ practice, together with core elements of translation profession which include remuneration, public recognition, education and training, translators’ association and continuing professional development (CPD). This article draws on interviews and surveys with the participants. This study found that the translation profession in both countries is dominated with female translators. Most translators reported that they are working as part time translator and with non-specialized field for translation work. Respondents from both countries similarly express indifference towards engagement in CPD activities and the public perception on their role. The comparison of the translation profession in Malaysia and Korea against the Model of Professionalization Process for translators revealed that the profession in both countries is at the transition stage between market disorder and consolidation phases. The researcher proposes several suggestions to improve the situation which would contribute to the professionalization of translation profession in Malaysia and Korea in becoming a full-fledged profession.
1. Introduction
2. What makes a Profession?
3. Methodology
4. Findings and discussion
4.1. Gender
4.2. Specialized Fields
4.3. Full time / Part time
4.4. Remuneration
4.5. Public recognition
4.6. Education & Training
4.7. Translator’s association
4.8. Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
5. Recommendation
6. Conclusion