

프리에디팅(pre-editing)이 기계번역 품질에 미치는 영향 고찰 : 유창성, 충실성, 가독성 비교를 중심으로


An Analysis of the Impact of Pre-editing on Machine Translation Quality

진용주, 서보현, 김순영

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to examine whether pre-editing can contribute to the improvement of machine translation quality. From the perspective of translation throughput and speed, post-editing on machine translation can be far more effective. However, the post-editing process is entirely dependent on the quality of the machine translation result. Naturally, editing the source text before machine translation process is expected to enhance the quality of final product. In this study, we used 16 pairs of Korean articles and their English translations, and four pairs of samples were taken from a literary text and its English translation. All 20 samples were machine translated and eight evaluators were asked to assess the quality of MT1(machine translation only) and MT2(pre-edited before translation) in terms of fluency, fidelity, and comprehensibility. According to the observations of this study, pre-editing contributes to the improvement of machine translation quality, particularly in terms of fidelity.


1. 들어가며
2. 선행연구
3. 분석방법 및 절차
3.1. 평가항목 및 세부평가지표 설정
3.2 텍스트 선정 및 평가자 선정
3.3 프리에디팅 및 설문평가 절차
4. 평가설문 및 분석의견
4.1. 신문기사 평가 및 분석
4.2. 문학텍스트 평가 및 분석
5. 맺음말
[부록 1. 설문결과 집계표]


  • 진용주 Chin, Yong-Ju. 동국대학교-서울
  • 서보현 Seo, Bo-Hyun. 동국대학교-서울
  • 김순영 Kim, Soon-Young. 동국대학교-서울


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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