Ham (1901-1989) lived and died in 20th century Korea, when state power trampled on human dignity domestically and strong nations invaded and tormented weak nations internationally. Ham lived a life of continuous suffering and poverty due to injustice, but remained a soft and gentle person free from anger or resentment until the day he died. Ham insisted on two main principles: the road to freedom (socio-political democracy) and the road to love (tolerance of other religions). Ham was a civil rights activist when his country was ruled by dictatorial regimes (in both the North and South). Yet, as a maverick thinker, he tried his best to merge diverse religions and ideologies. In this paper I will examine Ham’s vibrant life and thought.
Ⅰ. 생애 (1901-1989)
1. 주변부 기독청년 (1901~1923)
2. 식민지 지식인 (1923-1945)
3. 해방, 그리고 ‘광야의 소리’ (1945-1961)
4. 군사독재정권 시기 (1961-1989)
Ⅱ. 사상 : 기독교중심에서 보편주의로, 민족주의에서 세계주의로
Ⅲ. 나오는 글 : 변하는 사회제도
함석헌 연표 (1901. 3. 13 - 1989. 2. 4)