

화재공학을 적용한 유류화재 해석


Analysis on Oil Fire Applying Fire Engineering

차승환, 강경원, 김홍묵, 김치상

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Sine most of the site identification for fire investigation is carried out through the eyes and judgement of investigators, they might make a mistake in determining the cause of a fire. This study aims to introduce an engineering theory into the site identification to determine the cause of a fire by means of a scientific and empirical method. To be specific, it was used Heskestad's formula and FDS to compare the combustion type and characteristics of combustibles with the flame height whether or not oil combustion improver was used in the inside fire of a compartment. The study result is as follows. First, Heskestad's formula, which calculates a flame height, could be used to derive the minimum heat release rate (Q) from the flame height and the diameter of combustibles when the flame reaches to the ceiling. Then, the ingredients of combustibles on the floor could be understood to determine whether the flame reaches to the ceiling by the heat release rate of combustibles themselves or the third fuel is involved. Second, the diameter of combustibles was classified to compute the heat release rate, and then Heskestad's formula was used to predict the flame height. Third, for gasoline, the flame height was represented as 2.28m when the floor area was 0.22㎡. Therefore, in case of fire, it needs to check the combustion type of the ceiling as well as the floor and determine whether or not oil is used through an ingredient analysis. Finally, problems and implications of this study were discussed.


1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구의 범위
2. 화재사례
3. 선행연구 분석
3.1 열과 열방출률
3.2 화염의 높이
4. 화재재현실험
4.1 실물화재 재현실험
4.2 화재확산 분석
4.3 공학적 검토
4.4 화염의 높이 측정 실험
4.5 FDS의 활용
5. 결론
5.1 문제점
5.2 연구의 결과


  • 차승환 Seung-hwan Cha. 대구소방안전본부
  • 강경원 Kyong-won Kang. 대구소방안전본부
  • 김홍묵 Hong-muk Kim. 대구소방안전본부
  • 김치상 Chi-sang Kim. 대구소방안전본부


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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