

Section 5. 日本文學

한일 구법승 기행문의 문학성 고찰 - 『왕오천축국전』과 『입당구법순례행기』를 중심으로 -


A Study on the Literature of Korean and Japanese Buddhist Monks - Focused on emotional expression in “Wangocheonchukgukjeon” and “Nittoughoujuneiki” -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



It It is the first time for Korea and Japan to follow the "Wangocheonchukgukjeon" in Hyecho (704~780), a representative travel machine of the East, and the "Nittouguhoujunreigyouki" by Enin(794~864). The main body discussed literary characteristics of the work, focusing on how human nature is expressed through a trip to a foreign country rather than on religious practice.In response, the two sides expressed the historical aspects, retrospective aspects, and recognition of poems inserted in "Wangocheonchukgukjeon" and the daily stories related to the ministry of Enin's "Nittouguhoujunreigyouki". The two pieces did not mention anything about the travel, and what could be seen about the two were poems, stories and letters inserted into the travel gate. The epic-centered technique can be seen as a spirit derived from the moderation of the old monk. Nevertheless, the poems, stories and letters included in the work confirmed that they had feelings that could be seen through their personal emotions.


1. 들어가며
2. 『왕오천축국전』과 『입당구법순례행기』의 문학성
2.1 작품의 위상(의의) 및 여행의 여정
2.2 『왕오천축국전』과 『입당구법순례행기』의 심정 표출 양상
3. 나오며


  • 강경하 Kang, Kyung-Ha. 전남대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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