

Section 4. 韓日比較

일제강점기 조선영화계와 재조일본인


Japanese occupation Korean Film industry and Japanese settlers in Joseon History


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to review the activities and the development process of the Japanese who are leading the commercialization business and the box office business, which is emerging as a new business in the Korean film industry during the Japanese colonial period. The film came to Korea as a symbol of modernization and spread quickly. This means that the world almost experienced the intensive product of the modernization of the film at the same time, and that the Joseon which was undergoing colonization also did not escape from this flow. People's support for movies has been enthusiastic and has grown into a popular culture, as movies are appreciated as a popular entertainment of the new era. I would like to point out the limitations of existing studies on the Korean film industry as recognizing the existence of Japanese people as 'rulers' rather than 'businesses'. It is also argued that this perception has not been able to properly assess the impact of the Japanese reigns on the Korean film industry at the time.


1. 시작하며
2. 선행연구 검토
3. 조선영화계의 시작과 재조일본인의 활동
4. 나아가며


  • 전희지 Jeon, Hee-Ji. 동서대학교대학원 일본지역연구과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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