How Meaningless Pain has been Judged - Dispute on self-determination from the Viewpoint of Legal Cases of Euthanasia in Japan -
According to the national statistics, many Japanese people wish to die by “Death with Dignity (DWD)” and/or “Natural Death (ND)”, however, there are no choices available for them to do so. Most of them go to hospital to end lives and/or to get the Palliative Care. Though “DWD” ”Euthanasia” have been being discussed at, the court so far in Japan, we still have not had the precedent to make it use. On the contrary, DWD and Euthanasia have faded away because of the medical development. In this presentation I firstly examine the judicial precedents in Japan and argue how the unbearable pain and self-determination have been being discussed by referring two significant legal cases. Secondly, I discuss about the physician’s determination by referring two trial records, the Tokai University’s case and the Kawasaki Kyodo Hospital’s case. Especially the precedent of Tokai University’s case which made physicians scared to commit DWD and/or Euthanasia gave us a significant definition regarding Euthanasia. Finally, I analyze the advanced direction and the medical futility and conclude that we should accumulate much more data and evidences concerning those concepts.
I. 正当業務行為(刑法35条)および緊急避難行為(刑法37条)が問われた判例
1. 概要
2. 結果
II. 安楽死の違法性を阻却する要件(6項目の違法性阻却要件)を定立した判例
1. 概要
2. 結果
3. 2つの事件と日本安楽死協会(後に「日本尊厳死協会」と改名)の発足
1. 東海大学事件の概要
2. 東海大学病院事件の結果
1. 川崎協同病院事件の概要
2. 川崎協同病院事件の結果