

Section 2. 日本語學

心理動詞の使役文と他動詞文の比較 - 自動詞(-u)-他動詞(-eru)型を中心に-


Comparison between Causative and Transitive Sentences in a Psychological Verb - Centering on the Intransitive Verb (-u) and Transitive Verb (-eru) type -

李恩珠, 孫東周

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Japanese causative sentence appears in the form of "verb +(sa)seru."Regarding the meaning of the causative role, Aoki (1977) states that 'The causative role means that the causative action reaches another person, so it is not different from the characteristic of the other verb, which is said to have meaning.'It may be natural to exchange an intransitive causative form for another verb, but it may also be unnatural.It turns out that the meanings of the causative sentence of the corresponding intransitive verb and the transitive sentence do not match at all. Then, what is the difference between the causative sentence of the corresponding intransitive sentence and the transitive sentence? This article compares the intransitive (-u) of one's own and other corresponding psychological verbs, the causative sentence of the transitive verb (-eru) type intransitive verb with the transitive verb sentence, and clearly makes a difference.


1. はじめに
2. 先行研究
3. 自動詞(-u)の使役文と他動詞(-eru)の比較
3.1 自動詞の使役形を他動詞に入れ替える場合
3.2 他動詞を自動詞の使役形に入れ替える場合
3.3 他動詞を自動詞の使役形に入れ替えることができない場合


  • 李恩珠 이은주. 釜慶大学校大学院
  • 孫東周 손동주. 釜慶大学校

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