

Section 1. 東北亜 海域

포츠머스회담(1905)이 동북아해양질서에 미친 영향


The Impacts of the Portsmouth Talks (1905) on the Northeast Asian Maritime Order


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The East Asian maritime order currently dominated by the US is seriously challenged by China in the South China Sea. Since when and how has the US ruled the Northeast Asian maritime order? This study is based on the assumption that the US-led Northeast Asian maritime order was established at the Portsmouth talks (1905). As is often argued, the US-sponsored Portsmouth Peace Treaty is a document that formalized Japan’s victory in the Russo-Japanese War. It is accepted as a fact that Japan allowed the US to colonize the Philippines and the US allowed Japan to dominate Korea in return. However, many researchers have overlooked the fact that the US had a big plan for the Northeast Asian maritime order behind the Portsmouth Talks. After the Opium War, the US Navy warships were free to navigate the inland of China and the Northeast Asian waters without any sanctions. The US won the Spanish-American war and occupied the Philippines (1898). Whenever the US Navy White Fleet sailed and showed off its naval forces around the world, it visited Yokohama Port in Japan (1907-1909). Then, it is right to understand the Portsmouth Talks in a series of historical facts in relation to the above fact. Nonetheless, experts on East Asia have ignored such aspect. President Theodore Roosevelt received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906 for arranging and mediating the Portsmouth Peace Talks. The Americans have considered him as the first great politician in the 20th century. This proves that he was involved in the fact that the US took control of the Northeast Asian maritime order. Therefore, this study understands that the US’ having properly taken root in the Northeast Asian maritime order is closely related to the conclusion of the Portsmouth Peace Treaty between Japan and Russia after the Russo-Japanese War. The above analysis is intended to date back to the time before the Northeast Asian maritime order was dominated by a particular country, and to examine how the present US-led Northeast Asian maritime order has been formed. Through this, it is expected to provide a basis for resolving maritime conflicts occurring in the seas of East Asia including the present South China Sea.


1. 들어가는 말
II. 19세기 동북아 해역의 미국
1. 의화단 사건
III. 미서 전쟁과 동북아 해역의 미국
IV. 포츠머스 조약과 동북아의 미국
V. 백색함대의 세계 원정과 동북아 해역
VI. 나가는 말


  • 이학수 Lee, Hak-Su. 한국해양대학교 초빙교수

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