

Microstrip Bandstop Filter based on Coupled SIR for Communication Systems



In this paper, a microstrip bandstop filter (BSF) is designed and simulated for X-band wireless communication system. It consists of open stubs (parallel line with T-shaped) coupled with high impedance of stepped impedance resonator (SIR) at 7.5 GHz for X-band system applications. All the stubs are optimized to have the stopband characteristics. The layout pattern is simulated using Sonnet EM tool on Teflon substrate with a dielectric constant of 2.54 and thickness of 0.54 mm. The main features of this work are smaller size, low cost, and controllable bandwidth. The bandwidth can be controlled by adjusting the parallel line open stubs connected with open T-stub. The 3dB bandwidth is achieved as 0.3 GHz at 7.5 GHz with good frequency responses. The overall physical dimension of the designed BSF is 23.62 mm by 8.0 mm excluding reference lines.


 1. Introduction
 2. Design and Simulation
 3. Conclusion


  • Bhanu Shrestha Department of Electronic Engineering, Kwangwoon University, Kwanwun-ro 20, Nowon-gu, Korea


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