

Shelf-life Extension of Fresh and Processed Meat Products by Various Packaging Applications


Keun Taik Lee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article delves into the current status of various packaging technologies, which are currently being applied or are under development for the shelf-life extension and quality improvement of fresh and processed meat products. Traditional packaging methods include vacuum packaging, modified atmosphere packaging, and air-permeable packaging. Recently, innovative packaging methods have been introduced that utilize technologies such as barrier-films, active packaging, nanotechnology, microperforated films, far-infrared radiations, and plasma treatment. All of these packaging methods have their own merits and drawbacks in terms of shelf-life and quality maintenance. A right choice of packaging system for fresh and processed meat products must be made in accordance with the conditions of the raw material, storage, and distribution in the market and household, and while considering the environmental sustainability and consumer’s expectations.


  1. The Significance of Packaging in the Global Value Chain
  2. Requirements of Packaging
  3. Packaging Options
  4. Packaging and Shelf-life of Products
  5. Innovative Packaging Technologies


  • Keun Taik Lee Department of Food Science and Distribution, Gangneung-Wonju National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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