

“谣言”对中国消费者购买韩国商品的影响研究 : 基于感知价值模型


The Influence of “Rumor” on Chinese Consumers' Purchase of Korean Products : Based on Perceived Value Model

“요언”대중국소비자구매한국상품적영향연구 : 기우감지개치모형

黄鹏, 张蔚鴒

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The share of Korean products in the Chinese market has declined since 2016, with the Samsung mobile and Hyundai motor having lost more than 60% of their share than the apex by the end of 2017. Meanwhile, the same is true for the household appliances, cosmetics and food. The reasons for the weakness of Korean products in the Chinese market include the competition of others brands, pricing strategy mistakes and the Chinese media's Biased reports on Korean products and South Korea. According to some symbolic events, there are two types of rumors that affect Korean brands in the Chinese market: one is directly related to the product, the other is unrelated to the product. Therefore, to analyze the market problems of Korean products in China, it is necessary to explore the intrinsic mechanism of market rumors affecting Chinese consumers' judgment of the value of Korean products from the perspective of Chinese consumers This study starting with the sensitivity of consumers to market rumors which based on the theoretical model of perceived value discusses the rumor sensitivity of Chinese consumers, under the rumor environment and its impact on evaluating the value of Korean products. The analysis of 5 consumers' interviews and 399 effective questionnaires revealed that 72.3% of Chinese consumers showed high rumor sensitivity tendency. Through regression analysis, intermediary effect and adjustment effect analysis, we get the following three conclusions: (1) Chinese consumers will be more likely to evaluate the quality of products from the inherent attributes of the products, and the labeling of origin is being weakened. (2) Chinese consumers are more inclined to choose products with high cost performance ratio, so they no longer think that the high price of Korean products represents high quality. (3) When Chinese consumers evaluate Korean products, market rumors directly affect the subjective quality perception of Chinese consumers. Accordingly, this study suggests that the key of Korean products is to win the Chinese consumers’ approval of the objective attributes of Korean products by the way of enhancing the product force. On this basis, we can take the subsidiary of Korean company in China as the main body that develop the local brands with different pricing strategy in order to eliminate the problem of the decline of market share caused by rumors that about Korean.


 1. 引言
 2. 文献回顾及假设提出
  2.1 产品固有属性与感知质量
  2.2 价格水平与感知质量
  2.3. 感知质量与感知价值
  2.4. 谣言敏感度的调节作用
 3. 量表设计及抽样
  3.1 量表设计
  3.2 抽样及被访对象描述分析
  3.3 中国消费者谣言敏感度分析
 4. 数据分析及结论
  4.1 量表的信度、效度分析及相关性分析
  4.2 主模型路径分析
  4.3 谣言敏感度调节效应分析
 5. 结论及建议


  • 黄鹏 황붕. 商学院, 江苏科技大学张家港校区
  • 张蔚鴒 장울령. 商学院, 北京理工大学珠海学院


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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