

O2O在线外卖中国用户满意度对其持续消费意愿的影响研究 - 以用户习惯为调节变量


Research on the Influence of O2O Take-out Chinese User Satisfaction on Continuous Intention : The Moderating Effect of User Habit

O2O재선외매중국용호만의도대기지속소비의원적영향연구 - 이용호습관위조절변량

刘雯, 姜泰元

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Driven by the O2O e-commerce model combining online trade and offline experience, the catering industry has spawned a new form of consumer experience – take-out O2O, and the emergence of the O2O model has also contributed to the development of the catering industry. A model based on the User Satisfaction Index (ACSI) to analyze the user's willingness to sustain consumption, and conducts research on the online take-out platform under the O2O e-commerce model is established in this paper. The structural equation model is used as a research tool to construct the structural equation model with 7 latent variables which includes platform usability, platform easy to use, platform enjoyment, expectation perception, using perception, customer satisfaction, and continuance intention to analyzes the factors affecting user satisfaction and their willingness to continue consumption, and examines the role of user habits (Habit) in user expectations perception, consumption perception, and user satisfaction and willingness to sustain consumption. After confirmatory factor analysis of 518 valid questionnaires, the data combination reliability value (CR) and average variance extraction (AVE) both met the requirements while the combination reliability and convergence validity are in high level. The results demonstrated the user's expectation perception and consumption perception respectively are positively effect by ease of use, platform practicability and platform enjoyment of O2O online take-out platform; user expectation perception and consumption perception have shown significant positive impact on user satisfaction and continuous consumption willingness respectively, while users expect perception and consumption perception have a significant positive impact on consumer willingness through user satisfaction. At the same time, when it turns to users’ habits a significant negative adjustment has been shown among expectation and willingness to consume, consumption perception and willingness to continue consumption, and user satisfaction and willingness to sustain consumption. During the construction of the O2O online take-out platform, the platform can optimize the use of the take-out platform, actively handle user evaluations and complaints, create a function to quickly search and check user order information, and actively save the user's ordering time. And to provide an affordable, quality-guaranteed dish can effectively enhance the user's perception of consumption.


 1. 引言
 2. 文献回顾
  2.1 用户满意度
  2.2 用户感知价值
  2.3 持续消费意愿
  2.4 用户习惯
 3. 研究模型
  3.1 用户感知与满意度关系
  3.2 用户感知与持续消费意愿关系
  3.3 用户满意度与持续消费意愿关系
  3.4 平台易用性、平台实用性、平台享用性和用户感知关系
  3.5 用户习惯和用户感知价值关系
  3.6 用户习惯和用户满意度关系
 4. 实证分析
  4.1 技术统计分析
  4.2 问卷设计
  4.3 探索性因子分析
  4.4 验证性因子分析
  4.5 相关性分析
  4.6 路径假设验证分析
  4.7 用户习惯的调节作用
 5. 结论


  • 刘雯 류문. 群山大学 国际创业学科
  • 姜泰元 강태원. 群山大学 物流学科


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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