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Managing Red Oak (Quercus rubra L.) Reduces Sensitivity to Climatic Stress


Sophan Chhin

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study was conducted in a long-term experimental forest in the central hardwoods region of southwestern Michigan to retrospectively examine the role of past forest management practices and climate on red oak (Quercus rubra L.) productivity. Initially, in 1971, plots within the experimental forest were treated separately with a clearcut and shelterwood regeneration harvest in an attempt to increase red oak regeneration. From 1987-1989, a new study was initiated within a portion of the clearcut and shelterwood plots to evaluate the effectiveness of additional oak crop tree release using mechanical and chemical applications. Cumulative diameter and mortality rates of 719 red oaks were monitored across the four silvicultural treatments: Clearcut-A (clearcut without additional release treatment), Clearcut-B (clearcut with additional release treatment), Shelterwood-A (shelterwood without additional release), and Shelterwood-B (shelterwood with additional release) plus an untreated control. Increment cores were obtained from red oak trees and neighboring competitor species. Tree-ring analyses (dendrochronology) were applied to examine the effect of these silvicultural treatments and climatic factors (temperature and precipitation) on red oak productivity. The results indicated that crop tree release following a clearcut or shelterwood harvest reduced mortality rates and thus increased survival of red oak. Red oak in control plots or plots only receiving the initial regeneration harvesting treatment and no additional competition release were negatively affected by climatic stress, which included summer moisture stress. In contrast, red oak in plots that received the competition release treatment from shade tolerant tree species not only had higher tree level productivity (i.e., tree basal area) and lower mortality rates, but were also relatively more resilient to climatic stress by showing limited or no associations between climate and growth.


 Materials and Methods
  Study Site and Field Sampling Design
  Sample Processing, Cross-Dating and Tree-Ring Measurement
  Analysis of Stand Monitoring Data
  Growth-climate analyses
  Growth and Mortality Responses to Silvicultural Treatments
  Radial Growth-Climate Relationships
  Growth and Mortality Responses to Silvicultural Treatments
  Radial Growth-Climate Relationships


  • Sophan Chhin Division of Forestry and Natural Resources, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 26506, USA


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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