



Significance of the TPP11 Agreement in the East Asian area and the FTA Strategy of Japan and China

楊光洙, 金道壎

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



With the United States withdrawing from the TPP agreement (12 countries), the TPP agreement cannot be put into effect. The TPP11(11 countries)agreement has less impact on the world economy than the TPP agreement and its influence is not so phenomenal. However, TPP11 in the East Asia area is no doubt a new regional economic community next to ASEAN (10 countries). This TPP11 agreement has significance there.The another significance is formed a high level of free trade rules led by Japan. It is thought that this will greatly influence the creation of free trade rules in East Asia area.The FTA strategy of Japan is to become a key man in collaboration between East Asia and the Pacific Rim coastal area. On the other hand, China wants to take the initiative by proceeding favorably with the RCEP agreement.The free trade rules in the East Asian area are also aggregates of countries with different economic levels, which level of trade liberalization is desired, whether to create a compromise plan that matches the national interests of each country.




1. はじめに
 2. TPP11協定の交渉経緯と發效要件
 3. TPP11協定とRCEP協定の位置づけ
 4. 日本と中國のFTA戰略
 5. まとめ


  • 楊光洙 양광수. Professor at University of Nagasaki, Faculty of Regional Design and Development
  • 金道壎 김도훈. Assistant professor at Dong-A University College of General Education


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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